Going for a date tomorrow or attending a party? And that Pimple just decided to pop-up overnight? Oh well, don’t you worry! We have the perfect list of pimple hacks for you to get rid of those rigid pimples right away. But just remember to not pop or press them deliberately because you’ll be doing no good.


  1. Soaked Cucumbers


Cucumbers are a rich source of Vitamin A, C & E. If used correctly, they could help in times of acne. All you need to do is soak a few slices of cucumbers in water overnight and then grate them or apply them directly to the pimple for a while. Try keeping them stuck to your face overnight to see best results.


  1. Lemon & Honey


These two ingredients do wonders when it comes to skin problems. Lemons are full of Vitamin C and Honey is good for moisturizing the skin and has a bleaching effect. All you need to do is slice a lemon and dip it in some honey. Rub the slice gently in circular motion for about twenty minutes and then seal it with a band-aid all night. Rip it off next morning to see that rigid pimple off!


  1. Garlic Cloves


Garlic comes to our rescue for pimples. Soak a few garlic cloves in lukewarm water for twenty minutes and dip the cloves in aloe vera gel. Gently rub it on your pimple for twenty seconds and wash your face with cold water.


  1. Ice-cubes


Ice has the best numbing quotient which helps in fighting inflammation and dries up the pus within the pimple. Rub an ice-cube on the pimple and around it over the inflamed skin to calm it down. It will help get you rid of it soon.


  1. Banana Peels


Banana peels are calcium-rich and best when it comes to pimple care. Use it over your pimple by rubbing it in a circular motion and then wash your face with cold water and pat dry. You are good to go!


Follow these simple home-ingredients which do the trick and cure your pimple problems within minutes!


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