I enjoy travelling, my love for travel takes me on a number of trips throughout the year. The new places, meeting new people and exploring new cultures is something that gives me a kind of thrill I cannot explain. But, a lot of travelling can also take a toll on my health and the health of my skin. This is because, it is difficult to stick to a routine when you’re travelling to different places every day, don’t have fixed times for meals and sleep and most importantly don’t drink enough water throughout the day. So I thought I’ll share some travel hacks I use to make my trips smooth.

When you travel to places with different, colder climates, it’s easy to forget about drinking water, especially when you’re always on the go. This can disrupt your bodily functions, and dehydrate your skin and cause breakouts. Even when you’re on a long haul flight, one important travel hack is drinking water throughout. At more than 35,000 feet, the plane cabin always lacks humidity and causes dehydration. If you want to get off your flight looking fresh and energised, staying hydrated throughout is a must.

travel hack

Here are some travel hacks that I use while on a flight and while travelling in general, that help me stay hydrated and fresh throughout my trip.

  • Carry your own water bottle:

    I know that water isn’t allowed past security at most airports, but carrying an empty water bottle is generally not a problem. Carrying your own water bottle can save you the added expense of having to buy overpriced water at the airport. It can also help you stay hydrated throughout your flight, as you don’t have to keep asking the stewards to bring you those tiny glasses of water. Even when you reach your destination, you can fill up your water bottle at your hotel and drink from it throughout the day without worrying about the quality of the water. This will keep you from breaking out and feeling low and dehydrated throughout your trip.

  • Pack moisturiser for your flight:

    Invest in airplane approved containers for your cosmetics. Always carry your moisturizer and lip balm on your flight. Your skin can get stretchy and dry during a flight and having a moisturiser will help you combat that. You can also carry some hydrating sheet masks, eye drops and nasal sprays if necessary during your flight. These are some of the best ways to keep your skin looking and feeling fresh throughout your flight and when you finally land.

  • What to eat:

    Jet lag can really ruin the first few days of your trip, but eating the right things can help you combat it. During the day, and during your flight, especially if you’re reaching your destination in the morning and need to hit the ground running, eat energy rich foods like bananas, quinoa and green salads and protein bars. During the night try to eat rice or pasta as it helps you sleep better. Drink a lot of water and avoid too much coffee and alcohol, especially when you’re dealing with jet lag.


Hydration is a big part of our daily lives and yet we tend to ignore it when we travel. I hope by following these simple travel hacks you can make your travels more fun and healthy. Happy travels!

