This year has been fantastic so far! However, I did have to tweak a few things to make it better.


Here are some things that I learnt this year:


  • Your mental health matters the most

Little did I know that my mental health can play such a huge role in how I feel and perceive things. This year, I decided to focus on ME. By me, I don’t mean just my physical health but also how I feel from within.


  • Change is constant

When people ask me – “How do you describe yourself?” I feel like it’s literally impossible for me to say it in a few words. The main reason being that I have changed a lot the past few years. Though my core values remain the same, I have grown up in many ways.


  • Don’t fret the small things

At times, I used to get annoyed by the smallest of inconveniences. A small problem or a petty issue has the power to spoil your entire day if you let it. However, this year I realised that it’s important to let it go and not brood about little things.


  • Consistency changes your life

If you have been following me on my Instagram, I have been consistently posting about my workouts. Working out 5-6 times a week changed the game for me. It made me so much more happier because this is something that I did consistently without fail.

  • Saying good bye to toxic relationships

I believe in doing everything whole heartedly, be it work or relationships. This means that I do not have place in my life for anyone who doesn’t put in the same amount of effort.

This was difficult to imply in my life this year but I did it. It felt liberating to say the least.

What did you learn this year? Let me know in the comments!


