We lead very hectic lives today. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning till the time we lay our heads on our pillows, we’re constantly stressing, worrying or hustling about something or the other. We barely have time to ourselves and we do not make it point to take time out, to take care of ourselves.

Why is it important to take care of ourselves? Self care is important part of life. We take our education, work, family and home care very seriously, but we often neglect taking care of ourselves. We eat unhealthy, lead hectic lives where we barely get any time to reflect on our thoughts and we’re so engrossed in our careers and work that we barely have time to pursue any other interests. These are also some of the reasons why we feel lethargic, constantly tired and in some cases look age faster.

What is self care? When we say self care we don’t only mean taking care of your health. Self care includes mental as well as physical care of oneself. Research says that the number pf people suffering from mental illness and stress related health issues is rising on an everyday basis. People are ignoring their mental well-being and this is causing a rise in stress related illnesses like heart diseases, hypertension and other serious health problems that can also be life threatening. A few simple things and little time set aside for yourself can help you remedy all that.


What are some easy self care tips and tricks you can follow? Self care really isn’t deep science that requires a lot of thought and study. It’s very simple to take care of yourself but, only if you’re truly dedicated to it, will you find the true results. Here are some self care tips and tricks that you can follow every day and lead a better life.

  1. Meditate: Meditation is a highly under-rated practice in today’s world. Even five minutes of meditation can help you have a clearer and focused mind, that will then help you have a more productive day. Take five minutes out of your morning routine or even before you go to bed to switch off all your electronics or atleast get away from them, close your eyes and simply concentrate on your breathing. This will help you feel fresh and more focused throughout the day.
  2. Exercise: When we lead hectic lives we tend to neglect the importance of exercising. Exercising has many benefits for your body as well as you mind. Going for a walk or jog for 30 minutes a day every day can help you clear your mind, and have a healthy and fit body.
  3. Take a day for yourself: Every once in a while we all need some time just to be with ourselves and our thoughts. Once a month take a day off of your life to just be with yourself. Go to a spa or salon and pamper yourself. Do what you love doing. When you look good on the outside you also feel good on the inside.

These are just a few tips for your to begin your journey of self-care. If you want to take self-care seriously and know what all it entails then you can find many books on the subject that will help you understand and learn about how to take care of yourself.

