If you’re someone who works out regularly, you know how tough it is to go back to gym if you’ve taken a break from it. Be it a short break for a vacation or a long break due to work or health issues, going back to the gym is always tough. You need to retrain your body to endure all your workouts. It can be very painful and stressing if you don’t do it right.

So, here are a few tips that will help you get back the gym, just in time to get your body back in shape for the summer.

  • Ease back to gym routine:

    It’s not a great idea to jump back to the gym with high intensity workouts. It can give horrible cramps and body aches. Ease back into exercising with low intensity workouts. This can be difficult for someone who is a gym enthusiast and has had to take a break due a health issue, travel or work. You need to keep in mind that you’re not as strong as you were when you were exercising on the daily and take it slow.



  • Don’t take on too much:

    Set attainable goals. If you’ve taken even a month long break from the gym, don’t set goals where you will be going to the gym every day of the week. Set goals to go at least three or four times are week, something that seems attainable to you. This way you won’t tire yourself out in just the initial days of getting back.

  • Three main components:

    If you’re someone who used to gym on the daily, you know that you need to have three main components in your workout. Cardio, resistance and flexibility. If you’re not familiar with these, you need to get a personal trainer or get help from a friend who is a regular the gym. When you exercise, for it to be effective you need to do it right.


  • Take rest days:

    A rest day is as important to your workout as a warm up. After strenuous training throughout the week your body needs to rest at least for a day, especially when you’re getting back to the gym after a while. This will give your body a chance to take breath, and you go back to the gym the next day with renewed energy.

  • Warmups and cool downs are equally important:

    Never skip warmups and cool downs after an intense workout. Warm ups will help you ensure that your body is ready for a workout, and that you don’t pull a muscle while working out. A cool down session, will help your body get back into it’s normal rhythms after a strenuous workout.

Always remember to stay hydrated during your workouts and don’t take on more than you’re capable of. The most important goal you should have when you get back to gym is to feel good about yourself.BACK TO GYM


