I’ve learnt that being a morning person has so many perks. The best part of what I do is that I am my own boss. I can make my own daily schedules and don’t have to necessarily follow a 9-5 job format. But here’s the thing, when you work for yourself or run an online business, you tend to procrastinate a little more compared to the 9-5 folks.  Considering there’s no set timing or rules, we postpone our projects and work at the last minute.

After years of blogging and running several online businesses, I have concluded that the best way to not procrastinate is to wake up early in the morning.

Not going to lie, I have always been a morning person i.e I used to wake up at 8 AM. However, waking up earlier i.e at 6 AM has its benefits. You get to exercise, eat your breakfast on time without being in a hurry, you complete your work by 7 PM and so on. It basically helps to utilize more of the day compared to the night time.

You get to finish so much of the work during the day that you get an ample amount of time in the latter half of the day for yourself. I have started reading more books, listening to podcasts and even joined a dance class. After all, life isn’t just about work. There’s so much more to life than your job. It’s all about striking a balance.



Here are some things that should help you start your day early.


Alarm clock: https://amzn.to/2LNRc0w


Peppermint body wash- https://amzn.to/2OrJ8ov


Eye de-puffer: https://amzn.to/315tmRI


Mist fan- https://amzn.to/2Ytdd6D

Waterproof speakers for bathroom- https://amzn.to/2YcdH62




