Standing at the bus stop with plenty of time to spare, I was glancing around looking at people. I knew none of them and none of them knew me. Yet each of them spoke a story. I wonder if it was their clothes doing the talking.

Although one should never judge a book by its cover, a good cover can pretty much get ones attention. So it is with clothes. Believe it or not, clothes can actually make a good first impression for you – be it love, business or life in general.

You don’t need expensive clothes to be well dressed. You just need clean, well ironed, un faded, well fitted matching clothes combined with a neat pair of shoes. Nothing too difficult I would say.

There is plenty of research done to prove that well dressed people are more successful. Blame it on pre-conceived notions or how judgemental people have become.

Here are three simple steps to help you make dressing up well a habit

  1. Start with dressing up smartly for a few days a week

Okay so we all love our tees and jeans and can wear it on any occasion. But taking that little effort to dress smartly is the first step to making it a habit.

  1. Don’t be afraid to pick a style

Consciously look at the way people dress and carry themselves. You’ll always find someone’s style appealing to you. Even mannequins at shopping centres can teach us a thing or two about style and fashion. Take the time to analyse.

  1. Dress for your body type

Finding the best size for your body type and the type of clothes that will suit you, will go a long way in making you want to dress better and better.

And remember light travels faster than sound. No prize for guessing why you should always be well dressed!

