We remember Aaron Allston, the American author of Star Wars fame, saying, Luck consists largely of hanging on by your fingernails until things start to go your way, and girls, we all know he’s so right!!

So let’s explore ways and means to keep our Nails, Strong & Shiny and all the glory will be ours to flaunt.

1. File the rough edges:

Never delay to trim and reshape your nails as soon as you find a minor crack at the edge. While tying your hair if a strand of hair gets stuck in one of your fingernails, it’s the right time to file!

2. Wear a Base coat:

If brittle nails are hereditary and Glamorously-Feminine-Nails look like a distant dream, then  here’s a Quick Tip: Wear a transparent strengthening base coat until your nails are capable to grow a little further, on their own.

3. Sunday Soak:

Soak your nails in olive oil or vegetable oil at least once a week for 15 minutes. Massage your nails to let the blood flow at the right place which help your nails grow at a brisk pace. Additionally, it will also help you get rid of dry and peeling cuticles.


4. Chase a Cuticle Remover:

Don’t let your pretty mouth run over to even out peeling nails or dead skin. The momentary pleasure that it provides will ultimately ruin the beautiful fingertips that we all aspire. Let the mouth just do the talking, and nothing else.


5. Let Your Nails Inhale:

Even if you have strong nails make sure not to wear nail paint for more than 6 days in a row to keep your nails healthy and nourished. Everyone needs a break, no matter how strong !

6. Pick Mild & Put Down the Unkind:

An acetone free nail polish remover will stop your nails drying out excessively. Check out the ingredients carefully and make a smart buy.

7. Eat Biotin Rich Foods:

Seize some avocado dips, cauliflower combo veggies and whole grain breads to include biotin in your diet, if you want to steer clear of cooked eggs and liver.

8. Cover it on to Show-off Later:

Your nails portray a high degree of appeal if complemented by a perfect pair of soft and supple hands. If you are a home cleanliness freak, provide some protection to your hands in the form of gloves or likewise.

9. Don’t Use Your Nails as A Tool:

Use finger tips while opening lids not the nails. Whether you are hunting for snacks in the kitchen containers or opening a shower gel in the bathroom. If you fail to open ask for help! Easy! Or else, it would be the proverbial final nail, in the coffin of your nails.

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