I have never met my grandmother (maternal) .My mom said that she used to have pink round cheeks and was a work-a-holic.She stitched her own dresses and loved art.My grandmother supposedly loved dressing up and everything about beauty.She helped her friends,was extremely charming and went out of her way to help each and every person she knew of.She died of breast cancer when she was just 42 and my mom was 17 back then.My mother never told me anything about it,she never told me that my grandmother died of breast cancer as she was scared that i will get affected by it or will get scared of the fact that something like this existed.I always felt that my close family and friends were immortal until i saw my grandfather pass away a few years back.He was 75 when he expired.He lived for almost 35 years without his wife,(my grandmother).When i was 17,my mom was admitted in the hospital with similar issues(not breast cancer though) .I was scared,very.I am over protective about my mom.She hates it.But i force her to get her check ups done regularly.
                        I wanted to share this with you all because, my mother lost her mom when she was just 17 ,i don’t want this to happen to any one of you.Life is too short and nobody deserves to die!Innocent women die of breast cancer as they aren’t aware of the disease.If you’re above 30 please get your check-ups done regularly.It’s better to face the facts than ignore it, right?
Here are some articles i found on breast cancer,
(I have never written an emotional post on this blog but this is something that is very important to me . Although it’s too personal , i wanted the word to spread.I did my part.Thank you for reading )

